Halden Bookworks inviterer til workshop hos Norske Grafikere
Halden Bookworks gjennomfører et gjestekunstnerprogram med kunstnere fra India og USA. I denne anledning inviterer de til en workshop med Jerushia Graham, fra USA, torsdag 15. august kl. 16:00 – 18:00. Workshopen finner sted i Norske Grafikeres lokaler i Tollbugata 24.
Under Pressure – Make Pressure Prints with Jerushia
Take paper collage to the press to create soft ethereal prints.
Pressure prints are a quick low-tech way to create imagery and atmosphere. The subtle variation in the paper height of a layered collage creates changes in the pressure when cranked through a press. These changes in pressure create differing intensities of value and are what give the Pressure Print technique its name.
Participants are invited to cut and paste paper then crank it through the press to create their own unique postcard-sized impressions in this workshop for all skill levels.
The workshop will be held in English. The workshop is intended for adults, but please contact us for questions about participation.
Time: Thursday 15th August 2024, 16:00 – 18:00
Location: Norske Grafikeres Gallery, Tollbugata 24, Oslo
Only 10 places available! Click the button below to sign up.
UPDATE: The workshop is fully booked. Contact us to be put on the waiting list.
Jerushia Graham is the Museum Manager for Robert C. Williams Museum of Papermaking at Georgia Tech and a working artist. She is an Atlanta-based printmaker, papermaker, book artist, and fiber artist who exhibits nationally and internationally.
Jerushia is a member of Atlanta Printmakers Studio, the Book/Print Artists/Scholar of Color Collective, the Movable Book Society, Guild of Book Workers, Southern Graphics Council International, and the North American Hand Papermakers.
Jarushia Graham earned an MFA in Book Arts/Printmaking from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA, and BFA degrees in Fabric Design and Printmaking from the University of Georgia in Athens. She was born in Fort Jackson, South Carolina and grew up on military bases in Kansas, Germany, North Carolina, and Georgia.
She is finishing up a residency at Halden Bookworks in Tistedal, Norway (2024) and will be artist-in-residence at the Art & History Museum of Maitland, Maitland, Florida, USA (2025). Jerushia is interested in creating spaces for empathy and socially-minded introspection through her artwork, workshops, and curatorial projects.
Om Halden Bookworks
Halden Bookworks er et senter for bokkunst i Halden. Studioet ble etablert i 2020 drives av Johan Solberg og Radha Pandey. Gjennom årets gjestekunstnerprogram jobber Halden Bookworks for å mangfoldiggjøre kunstnerbokfeltet i Norge. De har invitert seks kunstnere fra to ulike organisasjoner: The Irregulars Alliance med base i India, og Book/Print Artist/Scholar of Color Collective, fra USA.
Halden Bookworks huser et grafikkverkstd, et bokbinderi og verksted viet papirproduksjon. Deres mål er å videreutvikle bokkunstfeltet i Norge og internasjonalt ved å tilby atelierplass, arrangere workshops og arrangementer, og drive forskning innenfor feltet.Halden Bookworks er drevet av Radha Pandey og Johan Solberg.